In our prior newsflashes, we informed you that effective August 1, 2023, any import of goods became a taxable event for BBO/BAZV/BAVP purposes. Entrepreneurs importing trade goods (handelsgoederen) may deduct this BBO/BAZV/BAVP from the BBO/BAZV/BAVP that they are liable to pay in the month of import.
Trade goods are goods that are intended for resale. However, precisely what does and what does not qualify as a trade good remains partly unclear. In an attempt to lessen the discussion about this issue, the Minister has now published a ministerial decree (Regulation on Trade Goods, Regeling handelsgoederen) listing examples of supplies of goods that qualify as trade goods:
- goods that are intended for resale within the context of a business, where the good remains materially unchanged and the essential features of the good are not changed as a result of treatment or processing within the entrepreneur’s business;
- parts that are assembled or processed within the entrepreneur’s business into a new trade good that is intended for resale within the context of a business; and
- any treatment by the entrepreneur of foodstuffs and beverages that are intended for resale within the context of a business, where the supply of foodstuffs and beverages almost exclusively dominates the business and is not subsidiary to the supply of a service.